The Epiphany is for the Romans a very special day, it is a feast for all the children who are waiting for gifts from an old ugly hump that riding a magic broom leaves the presents into stockings hung on the chimney.
Navona Square
The artists’ square for January 6 becomes a real carnival in the moonlight, with the traditional children’s carousel and more than ten road shows designed to entertain the little ones.
Bio Park
The Rome Biopark organizes special events for living differently the day of Epiphany. On 6 January, along with witch you can prepare socks with bamboo, fruit and lots of goodies for the lemurs while the clown will tell the history of the park.
Imperial Forums
One of the nice things to do on the day of the Epiphany in Rome is to walk on Via dei Fori Imperiali that will be closed to traffic for all the Christmas holidays. One way to know with calm and tranquility the old city of Rome, became the heart of the modern capital of Italy.
Via della Conciliazione
On the morning of January 6 Via della Conciliazione you can watch the parade “Viva la Befana”, here the three Magi riding three camels, Roman chariots and other characters in historical costume will go toward St. Peter’s Square to celebrate this special time of Christian tradition.